U.S. Agriculture: An Industry Built on Hustle Adapts to the New Supply Reality

18 Oct 2021

“Historically, this industry is built on hustle,” says Brett Bruggeman, President of WinField United.

When the definition of good service is being able to deliver same or next day, it’s a tough pill to swallow when such routine essentials as glyphosate and glufosinate are suddenly tough to come by.

At the end of the day, crop prices are high, yet the rough patches are, well, rough — especially for those who don’t operate in the fertilizer side of the ag world that is far more accustomed to wild supply-demand fluctuations.

Glufosinate and glyphosate are front and center to this conversation. Bayer’s Roundup PowerMAX shot up $8.25 on Aug. 20. “At over a 30% jump, that’s a shocker. It’s the new world for retail crop protection,” Harlan Asmus, President and CEO of Asmus Farm Supply in Rake, IA, tells CropLife®.

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