Winnebago and Worth counties Major Employers

Winnebago and Worth counties is home to world class manufacturing companies, agricultural businesses, bio industry companies, transportation and logistics firms, and many other businesses that provide good paying careers for our area residents. Local companies like Winnebago are manufacturing here and shipping their products throughout the country and the world. Taking advantage of our robust rail and interstate system, these companies have discovered why Winnebago and Worth counties are the right place for business - we make it easy to get anywhere!

Many Employers are Hiring

Our employers offer flexible schedules, standard health insurance benefits, standard vacation and sick time benefits, competitive pay, and many other incentives. If you are looking for a career in Winnebago and Worth counties you will be pleased to find fantastic career opportunities with room for advancement. 

Top Industries

The largest sector in the Winnebago & Worth Counties is Manufacturing, employing 1,138 workers. The next-largest sectors in the region are Educational Services (853 workers) and Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting (730). High location quotients (LQs) indicate sectors in which a region has high concentrations of employment compared to the national average. The sectors with the largest LQs in the region are Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting (LQ = 7.27), Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation (3.13), and Manufacturing (1.81). 

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total value of goods and services produced by a region. In 2019, nominal GDP in the Winnebago & Worth Counties expanded 2.5%. This follows growth of 3.5% in 2018. As of 2019, total GDP in the Winnebago & Worth Counties was $715,139,000. Of the sectors in the Winnebago & Worth Counties, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting contributed the largest portion of GDP in 2019, $132,241,000 The next-largest contributions came from Manufacturing ($110,266,000); Educational Services ($57,825,000); and Finance and Insurance ($57,250,000).