Small Business Saturday in Winn-Worth Counties: Supporting the dreams of the local community

Small Business Saturday in Winn-Worth Counties: Supporting the dreams of the local community Main Photo

18 Nov 2022


What is Small Business Saturday all about?

The idea for this special day is to encourage people to shop small during the post-Thanksgiving weekend and support their local economies. It has become a holiday shopping tradition dedicated to helping all kinds of businesses — from the corner store to your favorite local restaurant to your neighborhood comic book shop — the crux of it all is to encourage your very own local store!

When is Small Business Saturday 2022?

Small Business Saturday falls on Nov. 26, 2022. This nationwide effort is poised to direct lots of retail traffic and revenue to U.S. small businesses, and you will want to be a part of it.

This event was mainly founded by American Express to support small businesses during the 2010 recession, and it is now celebrated across the country.

Some ideas for a small business to sell more this year

1. Own your identity as a small business

Remember this: customers want to shop small this year, so in everything you do, highlight your identity as a small business! Tell your story of how and why you got started. Remind your customers of ways you’ve gotten involved in local community efforts. Share what makes your products or services unique and personal. Share your brand story.

2. Craft a compelling Small Business Saturday offer or discount

It is important to have your business stand out from the crowd. Start thinking about your audience and what would appeal to them. What is your store known for? Has anything worked particularly well in the past?

No matter what you decide, be sure that it is something that your business can realistically deliver.

3. Send out an email series

Email marketing is a tool that helps you reach your customers and prospects directly. When people sign up for your mailing list, they are interested in what your business has to offer and in supporting your business.

Small Business Saturday and the US Chamber of Commerce

A chamber of commerce is an organization of businesses operating as a 501(c)6 organization. Chambers of commerce seek to further their collective business interests while advancing the economic well-being of their community, region, state, or nation. 

A chamber of commerce is an organization of business owners and entrepreneurs who promote the interests of their local business community.

Chambers of commerce provide access to valuable resources, discounts, and relationships that help businesses save money and market their products.

Joining a chamber can boost sales and significantly improve a local business' visibility and credibility.

Events planned by some Chambers of Commerce in the Winn-Worth Betco Region this year

The Forest City Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Sip and Ship on Nov. 19  that kicks off holiday shopping in Forest City. The Chamber is also highlighting chamber member specials throughout the holidays. 

Cassie Johnson, Executive Director of the Lake Mills Chamber Development Corporation, said that the chamber is committed to improving the quality of life of all community residents. She stated, “our focus is community development in housing, recreational facilities, business retention, new business startups, community events, legislative issues, workforce development, downtown renovation, and many other issues. The LMCDC is member-driven and supported. We work with businesses, organizations, and residents to make the Lake Mills community a great place to live and grow!”

As for the event planned for  Small Business Saturday, Johnson explained, “At the beginning of November, we started a round of Lake Mills gift cards – where we allow people to order $20 gift cards to any Lake Mills business and sponsors throw in an additional $10 free! This promotion was started during the pandemic to help boost our downtown and give people a little extra spending money to do so. Cards sold out in five days and will inject downtown with $9,000! Order pick-up will be completed the week leading up to Thanksgiving and Small Business Saturday. We are promoting small businesses throughout November. We are also selling The Mills Theater Movie Tickets and Lake Mills Bucks between 9 -11 a.m. on Nov. 26 in our office, and we are holding a Lighting Ceremony for our annual Drive Through Christmas Lights Display on Sunday, Nov. 27 at 5:30 p.m. More information on all these events can be found on our Facebook Page — just search @LakeMillsCDC!”