Iowa Fitness Center Relief Program: An Extension of Iowa Small Business Relief Grant Program

1 Sep 2021

The Iowa Fitness Center Relief Program is an extension of the Iowa Small Business Relief Grant Program and is based on losses incurred in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For purposes of this program, fitness center is defined as a brick-and-mortar facility geared towards primarily providing patrons with physical exercise for health and wellness purposes. All facilities must be open to the public for use via daily pass or membership.
Included in the definition of fitness center are practice specific facilities, including but not limited to yoga studios, cycling centers and cross-fit facilities. 
Not included in the definition are classes/instruction given at a leased or borrowed space within a fitness center (ex., personal trainer utilizing fitness center above) or activity out of residence (ex., online courses).
All applications submitted within the application period will be considered for an award, and the program is not first come, first served. 

Click here for more information on the recent allocation and find out how to apply.