Brook Boehmler to be honored as America’s SBDC Iowa State Star

2 Jul 2021


AMES, Iowa – Brook Boehmler, Regional Director of the North Iowa Area Small Business Development Center in Mason City, has been named the 2021 Iowa State Star by the national Small Business Development Center (SBDC) association, America’s SBDC.
America’s SBDC annually recognizes SBDC personnel for demonstrating exemplary work performance, significantly contributing to the organization’s economic development efforts, and showing a strong commitment to small businesses.

“Brook is a true advocate for small business across our state,” says Lisa Shimkat, America’s SBDC Iowa State Director. “His contributions to the SBDC and our small businesses have been significant, including developing strong relationships with key stakeholders, increasing marketing for his center, and working tirelessly to helping others succeed. We are honored to have Brook in our network.”

Boehmler has been the Regional Director of the North Iowa Area SBDC since 2014.

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