Geocaching Program Scheduled for Area Residents

22 Mar 2021

Now that Spring is here, NIACC and the Winnebago County Conservation Board want you to get outside and enjoy it. To help you do that, they are hosting a program on “Geocaching” on Saturday, April 17th. The program will be held at Thorpe Park, five miles west of Forest City, from 1:00-2:30 PM. 

Geocaching is a fun activity that combines technology with the outdoors. Using a GPS unit (such as your smart phone), you search for a cache that someone else has hidden. Once you find it, you can take something from it, as long as you replace it with something that you brought along. Collecting trinkets, though, is not the goal of geocaching. The fun is in the search! Geocaching is a wonderful way to get outdoors and explore new areas, but do it in a way that can be as easy or as difficult as you want it to be.

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