NUNN: Small communities, businesses need pandemic assistance

1 Jan 2021


Providing monetary assistance and other forms of relief to those affected affected by the pandemic is important to Iowa State Sen. Zach Nunn, R-Bondurant, as he heads into the next legislative session. The local lawmaker also wants to bolster economic development and lead conversations about comprehensive tax reform.

Representing Iowa Senate District 15, Nunn is chair of the International Relations Committee and vice-chair of the Justice System Appropriations Subcommittee. Nunn also serves the Iowa Innovation Council and is a member of the commerce, judiciary, labor and business relations and ways and means committees in the Iowa Legislature.

Last year, Nunn prioritized economic development in rural Iowa, citing the Amazon fulfillment center in Bondurant and the $32 million softball complex in Newton as strong examples. He also told Newton News about his goals to keep big politics out of local elections for city councils and school boards.

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