City of Lake Mills Becomes an HBI Community

City of Lake Mills Becomes an HBI Community Main Photo

2 Aug 2024

Blog, News

The City of Lake Mills is joining more than 125 other Iowa local entities who have chosen to show their support for Iowa Veterans by becoming an HBI community.

Home Base Iowa is a one-of-kind program designed to connect veterans and service members with more than 2,300 businesses statewide who have pledged to hire veterans.

Home Base Iowa designates qualified communities as centers of opportunity for military veterans based on four standards:

  • Within a designated community, at least 10% of eligible, hiring businesses must become a HBI business and pledge to hire veterans
  • Community specific incentive package
  • Community signs of HBI designation
  • Resolution from the appropriate governing body

Melissa Michaelis, Executive Director of Winn-Worth Betco made it her mission to complete what her predecessor had started over a decade ago. In November of 2022, Michaelis worked with both Winnebago and Worth County in their own county HBI designation. At the same time, Michaelis partnered with the City of Northwood and Forest City to kick off the start of obtaining the designation for each of the 14 communities Michaelis serves within both Winnebago and Worth counties. Each county incentive package includes $1000 in relocation assistance to veterans moving to either county. Winn-Worth Betco has budgeted to assist with up to six veterans per year to choose either county as their home.

The City of Lake Mills held a dedication open house Friday, July 12th to officially become a Home Base Iowa Community.  The City will offer incentives to veterans relocating to Lake Mills including the waiver of a utility deposit, gift basket and an offer of tax abatement.

Melissa Michaelis, Executive Director, Winn-Worth Betco
Mary Lou Kleveland, Veteran Service Officer, Winnebago County
Diane Price, City Clerk, Lake Mills
Harrison Swift, Program Manager, Home Base Iowa
Sara Cook, Business Engagement Consultant, Iowa Workforce Development
Jim Oberhelman, Regional Director, US Military Academy Coordinator

Michaelis noted the partnership she has created in Winnebago County with Mary Lou Kleveland, Winnebago County’s Veterans Service Officer. “She has been a tremendous help attending the city council meetings with me. It is important for city officials to hear how this program has really made a difference,” Michaelis stated.

Michaelis and Kleveland worked together to help establish Scarville to become dedicated as a HBI community. Scarville will match the county’s relocation assistance with $1000 as well as waive sewer and garbage expenses for one year to veterans who choose to make Scarville their home. The City of Scarville has pledged to assist one veteran per year from their budget. The dedication ceremony will take place in conjunction with the ribbon cutting of the new Fire Station. This will be held at 4:00 PM, Saturday, September 7th.

If your community would like to be the next HBI community, please contact Melissa Micahelis at “It will be a great accomplishment to see all 14 of the communities I serve obtain this designation,” said Michaelis.