5 ChatGPT Prompts To Be More Present And Less Stressed In Your Business

2 Nov 2023


Do you find yourself distracted by notifications when you’re on Zoom calls with clients? Do you find your eyes glazing over when you’re talking to colleagues? When was the last time you switched airplane mode on? Entrepreneurship involves juggling multiple tasks and running a team, all while thinking about the future and your place within it. Assessing past mistakes is required, as is planning ahead, but both can take you out of the present moment. And that’s where the magic happens.

Being more present in your business is a sterling goal. You’ll miss less, you’ll understand more, and you’ll have a better time. Use these five ChatGPT prompts to become more present in your business activities, whatever they may be. Copy, paste, and edit these prompts in the same window for personalized guidance with complete context.

Read the full article here.