We interviewed Terry Durby, Winnebago County Supervisor, who has served on the Board of Directors for more than 12 years.
Q1. Tell us about yourself! What are your economic development specialties and main areas of focus?
I have been a lifelong resident of Winnebago county. I have served on the Winn-Worth Betco board of directors for over 12 years. I have also served on another Economic Board of Directors for the past 12 years. I believe that collaboration and networking among EDC groups lead to success. I don’t feel we have to “reinvent the wheel” on every issue or development challenge, but with rather broad participation in many groups, it opens doors and builds confidence in the ability to make things happen. Sometimes that could be in a slightly altered way of approaching an idea that better works for our communities.
Q2. What makes Winn-Worth Betco unique?
Many EDCs focus on one town, while Winn-Worth Betco serves 14 incorporated communities and the rural areas of two small counties. The collaboration of all those communities and counties allows for extensive networking and program sharing. We pride ourselves in knowing everyone and every business.
Q3. What have been some of the organization's major accomplishments?
Through the years, many new businesses and industries have been located here and expanding here. We never like to see a business close but we look at that as an opportunity to recruit what could be an even better business or industry. When a national filter manufacturer closed, one building brought a tractor parts business in and the other building brought in expansion from the local motor home manufacturer that is an industry leader.
I have served on the North Central Iowa Regional Economic and Port Authority since we formed this organization 6 years ago and have been Chair for 3 years. We are proud to help facilitate assistance in securing financing and a connection to a major natural gas pipeline and the start of the development of a recycled fuels industry.
Q4. What’s the one thing everyone should know about Winn-Worth Betco and the Winn-Worth area in general?
With the two-county area being made up of small communities and roots in the agriculture industry, we are known for volunteerism and hard-working people that love the area for its low cost of living and great school systems. The two-county area is fortunate to be one of the few areas of the country to provide High-Speed Broadband connectivity at 100% coverage as of 3 years ago through a local telecom cooperative.
Q5. What are your favorite places and things to do in and around Winn-Worth Counties and Iowa?
These are family-oriented communities. We have many great churches to choose from. We have some of the best restaurants, many of which are drawing people to come from over 2 hours away. For recreation options, we have bike trails, over 400 miles of snowmobile trails, city/state/county parks, over 8000 acres of public hunting, and a casino. We also have many wedding venues, with each one having unique features.
The Winnebago and Worth Counties Betterment Council (Winn-Worth Betco) is here to support all businesses and developers looking to grow in our 14 communities. We invite you to discover all that our communities have to offer. Contact us for more information here. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter!