Winnebago and Worth Counties Offer Businesses Low Tax Advantages!

22 Sep 2021


Businesses that locate in Winnebago and Worth Counties, in northern Iowa, will benefit from our low tax rates and tax advantages. In our two counties, our lower taxes reduce operating costs, which leave businesses with more money to put into things like expansion and development! In addition to our low tax rates, we also have several tax advantages that businesses can benefit from!

Tax advantages in our counties include advantages. No property, sales, or use tax on industrial machinery, equipment, or computers. No property tax for corporate inventories of goods-in-process, raw materials, or salable goods. 50 percent deductibility of federal taxes from Iowa corporate income. Iowa corporate income tax may be reduced or eliminated by state tax credit programs. These are just a few of the tax advantages for businesses when locating in our counties. Click here to learn all about our low tax rates and our tax advantages today!