Swanson Trucking relocating to larger facility north of Forest City

23 Dec 2020


Many passers-by on busy U.S. Highway 69 have been curious about large-scale dirt work and building construction that has been ongoing between Forest City and Leland since July.

It is a long-anticipated relocation and expansion of Swanson Trucking, a third generation family-owned trucking business that just keeps growing.

Swanson Trucking was started in 1946 by Swanson’s grandfather, Ron “Babe” Swanson. Swanson’s late father, Monte Swanson, ran the second generation of the business, with Shane Swanson first getting involved in 2004.

Swanson Trucking has been located south of Forest City for more than 10 years, not far from the Forest City Municipal Airport, but about a mile and a half from the vital access to Highway 69.

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